Created a default post when building a personal blog using GitHub Pages and Jekyll. Leaving it here as a memory.
For various reasons, moved the site to Hexo. The new site is built using GitHub Pages + Hexo.
- Changed the blog theme to stun.
- Hosted the blog for free on Vercel.
- Used Gitalk, a comment system based on GitHub Issue and Preact.
- Removed the Gitalk comment plugin from the original blog.
- Changed the blog theme to Anatole and made some deletions and optimizations.
- Still hosted for free on Vercel.
The current theme seems to have issues with code highlighting. Will work on it when I have time.
Maintaining my own blog takes too much time and effort. Currently trying to migrate to xLog, a blockchain-based platform.
It combines aesthetics, security, and user experience. I really like it.